
x-on allows you to easily run code on dispatched DOM events.

Here's an example of simple button that shows an alert when clicked.

<button x-on:click="alert('Hello World!')">Say Hi</button>

x-on can only listen for events with lower case names, as HTML attributes are case-insensitive. Writing x-on:CLICK will listen for an event named click. If you need to listen for a custom event with a camelCase name, you can use the .camel helper to work around this limitation. Alternatively, you can use x-bind to attach an x-on directive to an element in javascript code (where case will be preserved).

Shorthand syntax

If x-on: is too verbose for your tastes, you can use the shorthand syntax: @.

Here's the same component as above, but using the shorthand syntax instead:

<button @click="alert('Hello World!')">Say Hi</button>

The event object

If you wish to access the native JavaScript event object from your expression, you can use Alpine's magic $event property.

<button @click="alert($event.target.getAttribute('message'))" message="Hello World">Say Hi</button>

In addition, Alpine also passes the event object to any methods referenced without trailing parenthesis. For example:

<button @click="handleClick">...</button>
function handleClick(e) {
// Now you can access the event object (e) directly

Keyboard events

Alpine makes it easy to listen for keydown and keyup events on specific keys.

Here's an example of listening for the Enter key inside an input element.

<input type="text" @keyup.enter="alert('Submitted!')">

You can also chain these key modifiers to achieve more complex listeners.

Here's a listener that runs when the Shift key is held and Enter is pressed, but not when Enter is pressed alone.

<input type="text" @keyup.shift.enter="alert('Submitted!')">

You can directly use any valid key names exposed via KeyboardEvent.key as modifiers by converting them to kebab-case.

<input type="text" @keyup.page-down="alert('Submitted!')">

For easy reference, here is a list of common keys you may want to listen for.

Modifier Keyboard Key
.shift Shift
.enter Enter
.space Space
.ctrl Ctrl
.cmd Cmd
.meta Cmd on Mac, Windows key on Windows
.alt Alt
.up .down .left .right Up/Down/Left/Right arrows
.escape Escape
.tab Tab
.caps-lock Caps Lock
.equal Equal, =
.period Period, .
.comma Comma, ,
.slash Forward Slash, /

Mouse events

Like the above Keyboard Events, Alpine allows the use of some key modifiers for handling click events.

Modifier Event Key
.shift shiftKey
.ctrl ctrlKey
.cmd metaKey
.meta metaKey
.alt altKey

These work on click, auxclick, context and dblclick events, and even mouseover, mousemove, mouseenter, mouseleave, mouseout, mouseup and mousedown.

Here's an example of a button that changes behaviour when the Shift key is held down.

<button type="button"
@click="message = 'selected'"
@click.shift="message = 'added to selection'">
@mousemove.shift="message = 'add to selection'"
@mouseout="message = 'select'"

Note: Normal click events with some modifiers (like ctrl) will automatically become contextmenu events in most browsers. Similarly, right-click events will trigger a contextmenu event, but will also trigger an auxclick event if the contextmenu event is prevented.

Custom events

Alpine event listeners are a wrapper for native DOM event listeners. Therefore, they can listen for ANY DOM event, including custom events.

Here's an example of a component that dispatches a custom DOM event and listens for it as well.

<div x-data @foo="alert('Button Was Clicked!')">
<button @click="$event.target.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('foo', { bubbles: true }))">...</button>

When the button is clicked, the @foo listener will be called.

Because the .dispatchEvent API is verbose, Alpine offers a $dispatch helper to simplify things.

Here's the same component re-written with the $dispatch magic property.

<div x-data @foo="alert('Button Was Clicked!')">
<button @click="$dispatch('foo')">...</button>

→ Read more about $dispatch


Alpine offers a number of directive modifiers to customize the behavior of your event listeners.


.prevent is the equivalent of calling .preventDefault() inside a listener on the browser event object.

<form @submit.prevent="console.log('submitted')" action="/foo">

In the above example, with the .prevent, clicking the button will NOT submit the form to the /foo endpoint. Instead, Alpine's listener will handle it and "prevent" the event from being handled any further.


Similar to .prevent, .stop is the equivalent of calling .stopPropagation() inside a listener on the browser event object.

<div @click="console.log('I will not get logged')">
<button @click.stop>Click Me</button>

In the above example, clicking the button WON'T log the message. This is because we are stopping the propagation of the event immediately and not allowing it to "bubble" up to the <div> with the @click listener on it.


.outside is a convenience helper for listening for a click outside of the element it is attached to. Here's a simple dropdown component example to demonstrate:

<div x-data="{ open: false }">
<button @click="open = ! open">Toggle</button>
<div x-show="open" @click.outside="open = false">

In the above example, after showing the dropdown contents by clicking the "Toggle" button, you can close the dropdown by clicking anywhere on the page outside the content.

This is because .outside is listening for clicks that DON'T originate from the element it's registered on.

It's worth noting that the .outside expression will only be evaluated when the element it's registered on is visible on the page. Otherwise, there would be nasty race conditions where clicking the "Toggle" button would also fire the @click.outside handler when it is not visible.


When the .window modifier is present, Alpine will register the event listener on the root window object on the page instead of the element itself.

<div @keyup.escape.window="...">...</div>

The above snippet will listen for the "escape" key to be pressed ANYWHERE on the page.

Adding .window to listeners is extremely useful for these sorts of cases where a small part of your markup is concerned with events that take place on the entire page.


.document works similarly to .window only it registers listeners on the document global, instead of the window global.


By adding .once to a listener, you are ensuring that the handler is only called ONCE.

<button @click.once="console.log('I will only log once')">...</button>


Sometimes it is useful to "debounce" an event handler so that it only is called after a certain period of inactivity (250 milliseconds by default).

For example if you have a search field that fires network requests as the user types into it, adding a debounce will prevent the network requests from firing on every single keystroke.

<input @input.debounce="fetchResults">

Now, instead of calling fetchResults after every keystroke, fetchResults will only be called after 250 milliseconds of no keystrokes.

If you wish to lengthen or shorten the debounce time, you can do so by trailing a duration after the .debounce modifier like so:

<input @input.debounce.500ms="fetchResults">

Now, fetchResults will only be called after 500 milliseconds of inactivity.


.throttle is similar to .debounce except it will release a handler call every 250 milliseconds instead of deferring it indefinitely.

This is useful for cases where there may be repeated and prolonged event firing and using .debounce won't work because you want to still handle the event every so often.

For example:

<div @scroll.window.throttle="handleScroll">...</div>

The above example is a great use case of throttling. Without .throttle, the handleScroll method would be fired hundreds of times as the user scrolls down a page. This can really slow down a site. By adding .throttle, we are ensuring that handleScroll only gets called every 250 milliseconds.

Fun Fact: This exact strategy is used on this very documentation site to update the currently highlighted section in the right sidebar.

Just like with .debounce, you can add a custom duration to your throttled event:

<div @scroll.window.throttle.750ms="handleScroll">...</div>

Now, handleScroll will only be called every 750 milliseconds.


By adding .self to an event listener, you are ensuring that the event originated on the element it is declared on, and not from a child element.

<button @click.self="handleClick">
Click Me
<img src="...">

In the above example, we have an <img> tag inside the <button> tag. Normally, any click originating within the <button> element (like on <img> for example), would be picked up by a @click listener on the button.

However, in this case, because we've added a .self, only clicking the button itself will call handleClick. Only clicks originating on the <img> element will not be handled.


<div @custom-event.camel="handleCustomEvent">

Sometimes you may want to listen for camelCased events such as customEvent in our example. Because camelCasing inside HTML attributes is not supported, adding the .camel modifier is necessary for Alpine to camelCase the event name internally.

By adding .camel in the above example, Alpine is now listening for customEvent instead of custom-event.


<div @custom-event.dot="handleCustomEvent">

Similar to the .camelCase modifier there may be situations where you want to listen for events that have dots in their name (like custom.event). Since dots within the event name are reserved by Alpine you need to write them with dashes and add the .dot modifier.

In the code example above custom-event.dot will correspond to the event name custom.event.


Browsers optimize scrolling on pages to be fast and smooth even when JavaScript is being executed on the page. However, improperly implemented touch and wheel listeners can block this optimization and cause poor site performance.

If you are listening for touch events, it's important to add .passive to your listeners to not block scroll performance.

<div @touchstart.passive="...">...</div>

→ Read more about passive listeners


Add this modifier if you want to execute this listener in the event's capturing phase, e.g. before the event bubbles from the target element up the DOM.

<div @click.capture="console.log('I will log first')">
<button @click="console.log('I will log second')"></button>

→ Read more about the capturing and bubbling phase of events

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